A secondary market in digital goods [News]

Like your Kindle? and all those e-books you’re reading on it?  What about reselling the e-book once you’ve read it? The company that amazed the world with its transformation from a bookseller to a technology leader has some other plans for the e-books it sells so cheaply. It intends to create an exclusive second-hand market for used e-books, according to a patent that it has recently been awarded. Nicholas Carr weighs in with his thoughts on the idea that pushes the envelope on the idea of “goods”. 

eek books!

Imagine this situation: You walk into a book store, find a book whose title seems interesting, browse through it, & decide to buy it. You come back home, & put it on your bookshelf. A couple of days later, a book store employees walks into your house, & takes away the book, because they don’t like who you are associating yourself with.  Outrageous? Essentially what happened to Norwegian Linn Jordet Nygaard  with her e-book collection on her Kindle.