2023-07-16 Links

Strategy in Praxis: Emergent Organisations

Tony Kulsea: A Relatively Small Amount of Force What you’re really doing (and to the dismay of some observers, all you’re really doing) when you start a startup is committing to solve a harder type of problem than ordinary businesses do

“women relate face to face, men relate shoulder to shoulder” – Richard Reeves

Ed Brenegar: Start Right. now If you want to be strong, or find the strength to be resilient, do these five things: Educate Yourself. Simplify Your Life. Create a Purpose for Impact. Establish a Network of Relationships. Write to Understand What You Think & Feel.

Puzzle Theory there are no cheat codes for people. You’ve actually got to use empathy with each other and build a community made of three dimensional human beings

Ben Werdmuller: How I think about Technical LeadershipThe output of a technical team is not code

Amber Case: How To Identify Truthy Trends After seeing outbreaks of truthiness repeatedly come and go for several decades, I’ve started to wonder if there is any reliable way for us to immunize ourselves against technology’s most grandiose, unsustainable promises. Maybe it’s just human nature for us to get momentarily excited about the latest bauble. Perhaps all we can do is keep in mind that being dazzled by truthiness is basically part of our DNA. Truthful tech, by contrast, wins out over the long haul!

2023-07-09 Links

Paul Graham: How to do great work  “Once you’ve found something you’re excessively interested in, the next step is to learn enough about it to get you to one of the frontiers of knowledge. Knowledge expands fractally, and from a distance its edges look smooth, but once you learn enough to get close to one, they turn out to be full of gaps.”

Careering life – a fantastic exploration of what it means to be creative at work while growing as a human.

Suzi Quatro & Chris Norman

The things we fear most in organisations – fluctuations, disturbances, imbalances – are the primary sources of creativity. – Meg Wheatley


On writing: A prayer wheel for capitalism

Good work is not enough. “Success is a lagging indicator”

The Miracle Sudoku. Constraints can be beautiful for creativity.

2023-07-02 Links

Om Malik: AI Hype – Smoke & Mirrors. The reason apps worked was a. Happiness (enchantment) or b. Utility (or solving a problem). The same holds for AI apps.

I discovered RSS (& Google Reader) from a Toastmasters’ speech about the subject, & have been hooked on RSS ever since to keep up with my reading. This Verge article was another one to reminisce about that time.

Long read from the Gradient: Why Transformative AI is really hard to achieve

Ethan Mollick: The Homework Apocalypse

An interesting Twitter thread for book openings