2023-11-17 Links

Daily Reads:

I’m claiming blog bankruptcy again this week. Physical books take precedence. I didn’t get home until early this morning, driving through a torrential storm took far longer than I expected.

I did watch a fantastic 40 minute video from the treasure that is Julian Treasure titled Audio Affects. His compelling claim is that audio is an underinvested marketing tool. His examples speak (pun intended) for themselves. Julian’s TED talk titled How to Speak So People Want To Listen is one of my favourite talks of all time. And come to think of it, TED has its own ‘earcon’ along with its ‘icon’.

Henrik Karlsson: Notes on energy and intelligence becoming cheaper The possibilities – or dystopia – that could be when renewables becomes the dominant, economic source of energy across the world (it already is happening) and AI is accessible to everyone! HK sees parallels to, and takes solace in, CS Lewis’ remarks about the atomic bomb. Great read.


Through others, we become ourselves.
– Lev Vygotsky, psychologist


Ricardo Buzzurro performs Indifference waltz. A different feeling with this one.

2023-11-14 Links

Daily Reads:

My reading today was restricted to Presuasion by Robert Cialdini. I spent time in conversation with the people I care deeply about and who do likewise. I also met a couple of new people, and learnt about their world.

I listened to another beautiful episode on the Hidden Brain podcast Life After Loss with resilience researcher Lucy Hone, who lost her 12 year old daughter in a road accident. I’ve shared a previous episode on changing your life by changing your story, but I don’t think I have listed the one that got me hooked: "How we live with contradictions" with Eliot Aronson, who was a protege of both Abraham Maslow and Leon Festinger, who also happened to hate each other 😆


To the artist there is never anything ugly in nature.
– Auguste Rodin, sculptor


Lee Ritenour and friends: Papa was a rolling stone

2023-11-13 Links

Daily Reads:

Rishad Tobaccowala shares several thoughtful ideas on providing useful feedback in Soaring via Feedback

The vice-chairman of Blackstone’s private wealth solutions Byron Wein’s 20 Life Lessons:

Sahil Bloom shared a dozen conversation starters in his recent blog post "The Art & Science of Conversation"


“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”
– Terry Pratchett


Verlon Thompson: The Guitar, a song he performed with Guy Clark.

2023-11-12 Links

Spent this evening watching concerts and contests at the local conservatorium of music, with some incredibly talented children performing on the bassoon, flute, double bass, guitar, vocals, piano, and a stellar performance on the violin by the last years winner of the scholarships.

Daily Reads:

Matt Mullenweg translates internalspeak into externalspeak about the leaked news about Automattic’s decision to wind back effort on Tumblr.

Humans feel, machines compute, and other truth bombs in this great conversation between Josh Bernoff and Rishad Tobaccowalla on his "What next" podcast

Ethan Mollick describes both the perils and the opportunities from the lates release from OpenAI in Almost an agent, what a GPT can do

John Durrant makes the point that ritual is significant in enhancing the essence of the experience resulting in greater connection in this post: Ritual and connection I got thinking about the rituals I’ve created for myself and the people I work with, and the strength of the resulting connections.


Mastery is the ritual practice of connection.
– John Durrant


Tribute to John Prine on NPR Tiny Desk

2023-11-11 Links

Daily Reads:

HBR: How to listen better We are always distracted, even when the non-verbal cues we offer can make it seem like we’re paying attention.

Roger Martin: The Work and Workings of a Leadership Team I’ve been observing the functioning (or dysfunctional nature) of the leadership team, and this blog helped me crystallise what I meant by the dysfunction. He distinguishes between the LT as individuals responsible for their own domains (requiring explicit responsibility) , LT as colleagues (requiring collaboration skils), and LT as a collective (working as a project team).

Seth Godin: The Amateur Presenter If you don’t have something to say, stay away and send a memo. If you do, don’t worry or apologise for being nervous. Speak to one person. And other gold.
The challenge isn’t in becoming a sort of pretty good professional presenter. The challenge is becoming you.

HT Jeremy Keith for these links
Matt May: To hell with the business case and Emily Gorcenski: How I read 40 books and extinguished the world on fire

Prof. Scott Galloway: Short Form War How young and old people view the war between Israel and Hamas

Richard Merrick’s postcard from the edge begins with a beautiful point: _People want purpose, businesses want profit. In between those two polarities lies the possibility of both purpose and profit… _


“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”
– Eric Hoffer


Sjaella – Northern Lights ethereal harmonies!

2023-11-10 Links

Daily Reads:

Doc Searls has a hilarious take on some ‘possible verities

Om Malik on the Humane AI computer, which he believes is ushering in a new paradigm of personal computing, with voice at the centre of user interaction.


It is criminal to steal a purse, daring to steal a fortune, a mark of greatness to steal a crown. The blame diminishes as the guilt increases.
-Johan Christoph Friedrich von Schiller


Elgar’s Cello concerto, 1st movement performed by Julian Lloyd Webber.


Daily Reads:

The OpenAI Keynote from a couple of days ago is indeed interesting.
Dharmesh Shah CEO of Hubspot is an investor in Open AI and this post about building a defensible AI business – or rather any defensible business is interesting reading

This is wonderful writing about a horrid man.


The magic you’re looking for is in the work you’re avoiding.
– Chris Williamson


Mark Knopfler and Ruth Moody: Wherever I Go


Daily Reads:

Emotional labelling is an art form. The most empathetic people I know seem to be able to read quick changes in facial expressions, and respond to them.

There’s been breathtaking commentary about the OpenAI keynote from yesterday, and all the features launched. Ben Thompson’s take, a day after is an interesting, thoughtful read.


Your voice dries up if you don’t use it.
-Patti Page, singer


And here’s Patti Page, singing Tennessee Waltz

2023-11-07 Links

Out of social commitments and back into more sensible hours from tomorrow. I’ve been able to do a bit of reading today on my commute today.

Daily Reads:

Jose Gilgado: The beauty of finished software

Tendayi Viki: When should an innovator quit their job?

Colin Newlyn: I canna hold her, Captain

Charles Handy in conversation


A leader shapes and shares a vision, which gives point to the work of others.
– Charles Handy


Watchhouse (erstwhile Mandolin Orange) perform Golden Embers Live