Daily Reads:
HBR: How to listen better We are always distracted, even when the non-verbal cues we offer can make it seem like we’re paying attention.
Roger Martin: The Work and Workings of a Leadership Team I’ve been observing the functioning (or dysfunctional nature) of the leadership team, and this blog helped me crystallise what I meant by the dysfunction. He distinguishes between the LT as individuals responsible for their own domains (requiring explicit responsibility) , LT as colleagues (requiring collaboration skils), and LT as a collective (working as a project team).
Seth Godin: The Amateur Presenter If you don’t have something to say, stay away and send a memo. If you do, don’t worry or apologise for being nervous. Speak to one person. And other gold.
The challenge isn’t in becoming a sort of pretty good professional presenter. The challenge is becoming you.
HT Jeremy Keith for these links
Matt May: To hell with the business case and Emily Gorcenski: How I read 40 books and extinguished the world on fire
Prof. Scott Galloway: Short Form War How young and old people view the war between Israel and Hamas
Richard Merrick’s postcard from the edge begins with a beautiful point: _People want purpose, businesses want profit. In between those two polarities lies the possibility of both purpose and profit… _
“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”
– Eric Hoffer
Sjaella – Northern Lights ethereal harmonies!