A homely jazz concert every Sunday afternoon [Article]

Since 1995, Marjorie Eliot has been holding jazz concerts in her apartment in Harlem every Sunday afternoon.

“It’s free of charge and people just really come here to hear live jazz in intimate setting,” says her son Drears. “That’s the only reason to come here, to hear live jazz.” 

Earworm: When you can’t get that song out of your head [Video/ Article]

This is an animation of a phenomenon we all know:  no matter how hard you try to shake it off, you can’t get that song out of your head. Psychologists call this “earworm”, referring to the songs that arrive without permission & leave when we tell them to.
The video above, called Jazz that nobody asked for, is created by a Danish design agency called Benny Box. The  music that taunts the main character is “Quaker City Jazz” (1937) by Jan Savitt & His Top Hatters Orchestra.

Live in Oslo – Thelonious Monk [Music]

For you jazz lovers, an hour of pianist Thelonious Monk, tenor saxophonist Charlie Rouse, bassist Larry Gales, and drummer Ben Riley performing live in Oslo (1966).  And if you aren’t familiar with jazz, here’s Louis Armstrong & Thelonious Monk among others giving a 45-minute child’s introduction to Jazz