2023-12-08 Links

Daily Reads:

Podcast: On Big Questions with Cal Fussman, Delta’s Chief Marketing Officer Alicia Tillman. I loved the enthusiasm and energy that Tillman clearly brings to her job. I particularly enjoyed how she described her job in marketing as producing stories that resonated within every function of her company. Interesting listen.


The real index of civilization is when people are kinder than they need to be.
– Louis de Bernieres


Joan Baez: Diamonds and Rust

2023-12-07 Links

Daily Reads:

Microsoft’s celebration of a year of CoPilot is a marketing copy of course, but also a good recap of how far things have come in just a year.

Listened to the Knowledge Project podcast conversation between Todd Herman and Shane Parrish titled "Unleashing your secret identity". I’ve not yet finished, but it is definitely inspiring and provocative. I was listening to Dr. Gina Poe talk about sleep on a previous episode too, and it was definitely a fascinating conversation too.

Dolly Parton in conversation with the New Yorker I figure people that know me and love me have to love me as I am, doing whatever it is I do. They know that I’m gonna take chances and that I feel like I have a right to be me, whatever it is I may try to do. I wasn’t afraid of that.

Alex Waterhouse Hayward: Mr. Crump – F.W. Woolworth & Co, and my Grandmother

Allie Luzong: Boundaries vs Barriers Boundaries that don’t actively help us show up are barriers. They may have kept you safe in the past, but now are trapping you there. They’ve now likely become barriers separating you from being the version of yourself you want to be.


Heal so you can hear what’s being said without the filter of your wound.
 – Alex Waterhouse Hayward


The National – Crumble featuring Roseanne Cash

2023-12-05 Links

Daily Reads:

I signed up to Andrew Ng’s Generative AI for Everyone course today. As usual, Ng’s teaching is fantastic. I’m halfway through the course, and should complete it in the next couple of days.

No reading. No good.


”You’re not a star until they can spell your name in Karachi.”
\ – Humphrey Bogart


National Flatpick Guitar Championship 2023 for some picking inspiration. The second guitarist, Hayden Riesling, kept playing after a string broke.

2023-12-04 Links

Daily Reads:

New York Times: How the AI fuse was lit

Dr. Andrew Huberman shares research recommending the physiological sigh as the most effective way of reducing stress through breathing, even more effective than mindfulness or meditation.

Gaping Void: Control is an illusion.


Rigid, command-and-control authoritarianism is a weakness. Fluidity is strength.
– Gaping Void article above


Carson McKee over’s Bob Dylan’s If you see her, say hello

2023-12-03 Links

Daily Reads:

Finally caught up on Kevin Kelly in conversation with Shane Parrish on the Knowledge Project (episode aired in May 2023).

I loved Tracy Durnell’s post about Building community out of strangers. I was curious about this "indieweb" concept she mentions there, and discovered that Ben Werdmuller, Jeremy Keith and a bunch of other people are all mentioned in in one place. I’m wondering how I might show the feedreader on my own blog, so expect another technical rabbit hole walk for me in the near future.

Andrew Curry’s Thing Two on his wonderful newsletter Just Two Things took me down memory lane, and into a little side alley that promises more research reading. Kurt Vonnegut’s shapes of stories is one of my most shared links 😄

In Writing as communion, Henrik Karlsson makes this point that somehow resonates with my own experience: Thereis often conflict between the needs of the writer and the needs of the audience. But there can also be mutuality. An audience that is right at one time might be wrong at another.


Everyone takes the limits of their own field of vision to be the limits of the world”.
– Arthur Schopenhauer


Polyphonic sequences -music of the Bibayak Pygmies from Henrik’s post above.

2023-12-02 Links

I spent the day as a stage hand for the combined performance of the local Youth Orchestra and the local Philharmonia Choir at a local church. They performed Handel’s Messiah, and it was a surreal performance, given that they rehearsed together for the first time this morning.

A quick flick through the story behind the piece was all I could accomplish today. No other reading save the Daily Stoic reminder that being born is a fatal condition. How would you live if you knew today was your last day? For me, it would be to soak my soul in music, and that’s precisely what happened.


“I did think I did see all Heaven before me, and the great God Himself seated on His throne, with His company of Angels.” – George F. Handel


The Sydney Philharmonia Choir’s rendition of Messiah at the Sydney Opera House, accompanied by the Sydney Philharmonia Orchestra

2023-11-30 Links

11 months gone by already? 🤔

Daily Reads:

Revisiting the Kano model for prioritising feature development.

Sara Wachter-Boettcher: Hey Designers, They’re Gaslighting You This is true of many other disciplines of work. There’s a high price to saying yes: burnout, disillusionment, cynicism.

WTH is Latent Space Optimisation? This Nature paper has an explanation.


You can’t prove your value to someone who isn’t interested in seeing it.
– Sara Wachter-Boettcher, a UX designer


Music Travel Love cover of The Police "Every Breath You Take" is breathtaking.

2023-11-29 Links

Daily Reads:

Seth Godin: The art of estimation. Sometimes, it’s best to politely decline to play.

Cal Newport reckons that blogging is making a comeback and so does Neil Gaiman. I’ve been encouraging my friends to create their own little corner of the internet.

John Hagel points out what’s missing in artificial intelligence. Tacit (or implicit) knowledge is outside the domain of training data.

Vitalik Buterin’s view on techno-optimism to test my own thinking on the subject.

Erika suggests an antidote to consensus based decision making, if you are the HIPPO in the room.


Whatever else AI is, it is not neutral, and neither can we be.
– Dan McQuillan


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