2024-07-10 Links

Daily Reads:

We learn from each other, and from our own mistakes. Learning in public includes accepting that there are times when you will get it wrong. Simon Willison is contrite about what he got wrong with his last post on the term Artificial Intelligence. I didn’t see the problem with his original post, given it was written on his personal blog, and it was an opinion on terminology. I can also see why he thinks a particular sentence was clumsily written.

Gary Marcus is not a fan of the OpenAI crowd. This is a howler of an observation about Open AI’s recent lobbying to the UK Govt. John Lam calls it like only an artist can in a tweet.

HT Jim Nielsen for this link – interacting with each other is the whole point of being human. I’m subscribed now to the Aboard podcast.

Who knew that used fire trucks are on sale? And relatively cheap too (HT Tyler Cowen)

Rob Miller wrote a blog about the UK Post Office travesty a while ago titled The Thermocline of Truth. I remember sharing that widely at my then employment, trying to get the leaders to recognise the parallels between the two organisations. Several years later, and possibly too late for many innocents in the saga, the UK government is finally doing something to clear the names of the wrongfully convicted humans.

Jesse Kornbluth recommends Guy de Maupassant’s Bel-Ami. I think it’s in the public domain too. I’ve not read it yet, but it is on the list now.

Baldur Bjarnnson has thoughts not too dissimilar to mine in "to plan a strategy you must first have a theory of how the hell things work", except of course he writes publicly about his struggle, and his process of discovery. This article complements very well Henrik Karlsson’s post a few days that caught me by the collar and shook me wide awake.


people matter. Even in the wildest of innovations, people still matter, and human relationships still matter, and you can’t shortcut it.

  • Rich Ziade on the Aboard podcast


Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op. 64, TH. 29 – II