2023-08-10 Links

Daily Reads:

There’s incredible talent and skill on YouTube, and this short from OneSkillPowerPoint is just one example that is of practical use for me.

A little less hype-ventilating post from Mosaic Ventures on their GenAI investing framework.

Relief that Doc Searls’ has all his virtual assets in place: All home now

Jim Nielsen had two memorable reads on his blog today: Knowledge laundering on the subject of LLM’s
and on Stealth Airplanes and Best Practices as a audio-book review of Ben Rich’s memoir of his time at Lockheed Martin.
It’s a good reminder when you’re working on something to continually ask yourself about the purpose behind what you’re making. It’s very possible you might have to deviate from the “best practices” or “accepted conventions” in service of a goal that is different or beyond the tradition of any medium or form.

YouTube’s experimentation with auto-generated video captioning – reminds me of what Alex was describing


“Just that you do the right thing. The rest doesn’t matter.” – Marcus Aurelius

"When someone acts in a surprising way, we can begin to understand by wondering what they might be afraid of." – Seth Godin had this on a very short blog post.
