The 5G Hype is dying out, observes Tom Noelle. #telco
Nathan Baugh: 3 ways to get better at storytelling #storytelling
Dave Snowden: Better ways to get purposeful #complexity
Tyler Cowen: When’s the best time to read or reread many of the greatest classic novels? I say: read when young… read whenever you can… read before you die #reading
And another reader of MR writes in about Singapore, an interesting approach to how the civil servants functions there #leadership
Ed Brenegar’s advice to a new young friend: Create a life of impact #leadership
Richard Merrick on letting go.
Living through this right now: #quotes
Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it, so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late; the jest is over, and the tale hath had its effect”.
– Jonathan Swift
Richard Smith & Tommy Emmanuel: Son of a Gun #music written in memory of Thom Bresh