Another great video by Playing for Change – this time sung by kids around the world. “Love is all you need“
Tag: children
New Approaches to teaching fractions [Article]
For the parents struggling to teach fractions, research suggests using pies isn’t necessarily the best way:
When two pizzas sit side-by-side, slices of one divided into sixths may not look that different from slices of another divided into fifths……..Fraction bars and number lines are considered easier than circles for children to draw and divide into parts. They also let students line up fractions in a row and see the difference in size, something they can’t do when dividing up a pie in the traditional approach.
Adults are put off when youngsters pose questions [Thought]
Martin Varsavsky ruminates
Why adults should pretend to omniscience before a five-year-old, I can’t for the life of me understand. What’s wrong with admitting that you don’t know?
Does the world need more people? [Article]
Judge Richard Posner answers his own question: “I am dubious.”
Maybe children are actually an “inferior” good, valued most by poor people either because the children of the poor work to augment family income or because the family lacks the resources for such child substitutes as expensive cars, clothes, homes, entertainment, and travel. Increasingly in the wealthy countries both spouses work, increasing the opportunity costs to both parents of raising children. …
There is no necessary connection between population and economic growth. The sharp decline of Europe’s population because of the Black Death is thought to have increased per capita incomes significantly by reducing the ratio of people to arable land, resulting in improved nutrition.
Viewing humans as economic “goods” is ________ (fill in the blanks with your own answer).
The Politics of Play [Article]
The true opposite of obedience is not disobedience but independence. The true opposite of order is not disorder but freedom. Most profoundly, the true opposite of control is not chaos but self-control
While children must learn to control themselves, what they can never control is luck. They must learn how to live with it, how to dance with chance and mischance. Children recognize life is a huge adventure, and they must accept the dare.
Battle against the princesses [Article]
This rings true on so many fronts – One Dad’s ill fated battle against the princesses
Measurement destroys myths, says Hans Rosling [Video}
“It’s only by measuring can we cross the river of myths” – watch Hans Rosling predict the levels of child mortality & children per women in a more recent video.
Three conversations for parents: navigating networked publics [Article]
Children & writing
Can your child write? examines the biggest challenge that the American education system faces (or is this only symptomatic?)