2024-04-23 Links

Daily Reads:

Lightning Pathologist, a series that was referred to in Marc Abrams missive today, including a story about the autopsy of a man who was wearing 23 layers of clothing when he died "It took longer to take off his clothes than to perform the autopsy". It got me curious enough to save to watch later.

Ewan McIntosh describes the most beautiful world in the school. Probably. "The day we look like other schools, we close". Feels like there’s a lot to learn from that philosophy.

HT Nitin Khanna who pointed to the Tasks plugin in Obsidian’s community plugins in his post "My Obisidian Setup". I use many of the plugins and can attest to their utility in my own workflow. The Tasks plugin showed me that I have 1024 undone tasks, so I’m clearly either not doing stuff, or using the - [] feature incorrectly or both.

Paul Ford, in Wired: To Own the Future, Read Shakespeare, which to me is the QOTD too.


All you have to do is look at a tree—any tree will do—to see how badly our disciplines serve us. Evolutionary theory, botany, geography, physics, hydrology, countless poems, paintings, essays, and stories—all trying to make sense of the tree. We need them all, the whole fragile, interdependent ecosystem. No one has got it right yet.
-Paul Ford, writing in Wired, on being interdisciplinary.


Sheku Kenneh-Mason performs Elgar