2023-12-31 Links

Happy New Year, whatever Happy or New means to you!

Daily Reads:

Doc Searls on how categorisation gets humans wrong, with a personal example.

Downloaded a new newsreader app called NetNewsWire. I’ve been using Feedbro all year, probably longer, and I’m not entirely sure why I want to switch, other than to check it out because someone who’s blog I follow regularly mentioned it, and I’d never heard of it before. It’s a Mac specific app, so that’s probably one reason. Anyway, will be a try-out and see approach for a bit.

The choice I made was before reading this post that Tracy Durnell shared on her blog: Choose Boring Technology by Dan McKinley. consider how you would solve your immediate problem without adding anything new.

Charlie Munger’s Poor Charlie’s Almanack is available to read on this beautiful website.


the mind, when its interests are divided, takes in nothing very deeply.
– Seneca, On the Shortness of Life


Isto (Chris White) performs Imagine – the perfect song for New Year’s Eve.