2023-12-19 Links

Daily Reads:

Not winter down under, but the general mood around me seems like it. Which is why David Cain’s post "Nobody has a Seasonal Affective Disorder" caught my attention, and I’m glad it did.

Robert Wringham: The lost art of declining politely There are times I wish I said no. I’m not alone, says RoWri, and has some ideas.

In The Reality of Tomorrow, Bob Ewing makes the compelling case for creating the reality of the future.

Peter Gruber: The Four Truths of the Storyteller are simply Truth to the Teller, Truth to the Audience, Truth to the Moment, and Truth to the Mission.


Concepts should be held loosely, because they’re nowhere near as complex as the reality they’re supposedly explaining. Not by many orders of magnitude. They have no truth value in themselves, they just point you to some possibilities, while simultaneously pointing you away from other possibilities.
– David Cain


FourPlay & Neil Gaiman: Bloody Sunrise