2023-05-13 Links

Richard Merrick: Education, Learning, Discovery: Education is what we do to others; Learning is what we do for ourselves; Discovery is where we become ourselves.

Chris Hayzel: Mastery is the art of sucking at something. and so many good links here in this post on the eponymous post on Ordinary Mastery

NYT: The tyranny of convenience (2018): We must never forget the joy of doing something slow and something difficult, the satisfaction of not doing what is easiest. The constellation of inconvenient choices may be all that stands between us and a life of total, efficient conformity.

Flux Collective Review has multiple interesting thoughts this week. “…it is humbling and awe-inspiring to recognize the gift of others who voluntarily agree to pretend to be much simpler than their full selves in order to make the organization work. These people who we lead are reducing their variety of states to enable the larger group to function. Good leaders are those who retain this awe and humility and understand the preciousness of the gift of requisite variety — and treat it with appreciation and kindness it deserves”

Kent State University Choir covers Neil Young’s Ohio

Bob Ewing interviewed for the Mercatus Centre’s Discourse Mag: Communication that unites us