2023-02-08 Links

Peruvian water whistles make animal sounds. Last week, I saw similar pots made by artisans in India that were birdsong, except that you had to blow into the pot.

A soliloquy From my favourite author Robert Fulghum, whose writing on the web is ephemeral – only the most recent three articles are visible at any time. Read quick before it disappears 🙂

Bonnie Raitt’s song Just Like That won a Grammy. Is this the story that inspired the song?

There was a school shooting in Michigan, and 17-year-old Justin Shilling was one of four students who died. His parents donated his organs. Hundreds showed up at the hospital to watch “the honor walk” — a gurney taking Justin across a windowed bridge to the operating room where his organs would be harvested.

Or was it this one?

Bruce Schneier’s new book A Hacker’s Mind reviewed by the inimitable, inexhaustible Cory Doctorow.