Under pressure.
Not the Queen song of the same name, but how I was feeling this morning as my first meeting of the day/week began. How fascinating, I thought to myself (HT to Ben Zander). I could see all of us in that session wrestle with the ideas we were trying to understand ourselves first, and then put into a series of communications to persuade others of their value.
I took it upon myself to pull something together that gave voice to my perspective. It’s not the complete picture, it’s not pretty, it’s not even sound. I did it in about an hour so I barely had any time to do this right.
When I shared it with a few people (show your work early!), I got useful comments on how it could flow better, and I’m already seeing the value of having done that initial hard slog for an hour. It won’t take too long before it is forged into something much stronger than it’s original version. I’m glad I had the pressure on me to help me put out an early basic version of those ideas.