
I wrote this note for my teenage daughter today on International Women’s Day.

I encourage her to do public speaking at every opportunity: and I find her peer-pressure and hormones are my opponents, against who I am at a significant persuasive disadvantage. She’d rather be, & blend into, the audience than to lead and inspire it.

A bit like the torn paper I wrote this on, parental relationships aren’t always complete, or pretty. It’s the words, mine or borrowed, that I hope can make a little difference.

As her father, I’ll continue to do everything I can to support her growth into the kind, generous and wonderful young woman she is.

The real reason women are opting out of Wall Street [Article]

Margo Epprecht explains, quoting a woman who she admired in her first job:

“The business has changed,”… “It is not as intellectually challenging as it used to be. It’s more like cage fighting. Long-term investment today means a month; mathematicians convince themselves they can quantify risk in their arcane products that no one can understand; and fee structures are out of line with investor returns. No wonder people are cynical about Wall Street.”

Women: Keeping your name & identity [Article]

Jill Filipovic, writing in the Guardian, plays the feminist & wonders why should women change their names after marriage.  She recommends that men change theirs, or that the kids keep the women’s last name instead.

Your name is your identity. The reasons women give for changing their names after marrying don’t make much sense

Be prepared for a rather long read if you tackle the comments at the end of that article.

For the reading List, I’m on my own & so are you [Book review]

In the last six months or so of reading his blog, Jesse Kornbluth has earned my respect & admiration for the stuff he shares as Headbutler, a job he does with aplomb (I mentally picture him as a modern day Jeeves!). He shares an exercpt of Judy Resnick’s book “I’m On My Own and So Are You: Financial Security for Women”.