
My 10 year old taught me to do somersaults in the pool today. She was chuffed I could do it after drinking the pool a few times 🙂
And then she taught me how to do back-flips.  I learnt that too. Much harder than the somersaults. I’m sore, and tired. And pleased. And very happy.

She was a good teacher. I may have been an okay student. Should ask her when she wakes up in the morning.

The Childhood Age That Predicts Future Success | LiveScience [Article]

If you want to see which kids will grow up to be the most successful adults, visit their second grade classroom, according to some new research from the University of Edinburgh.

“These findings imply that basic childhood skills, independent of how smart you are, how long you stay in school, or the social class you started off in, will be important throughout your life,” said the study’s authors, Stuart Ritchie and Timothy Bates.