Human? Or Chimpanzee?

Five judges in a New York court rule chimpanzees don’t fit definition of a “legal person”
— Guardian Australia (@GuardianAus) December 5, 2014

The events occurring (as they have been since whenever) across the supposed “developed”  or “first world” countries give sufficient cause to think that the judges are mistaken.
After all, chimpanzees do kill their own species. Not very different in that sense, are we?

Human Powered Helicopter

The Sikorsky Prize from the American Helicopter Society has promised $250,000 to anyone that build’s a human-powered helicopter that can “hover for a minute, reach a height of 3 meters (about 10 feet), and stay in a 10-meter box.” No one has claimed this prize in 30 years. And not for a lack of trying
But students at the University of Maryland, Team Gamera HPH, are now closer than most to reaching this goal. Watch the video above and read more about them on NPR.