For what it’s worth, I started blogging / linking to articles that I found interesting a few months ago. While my wanderings across the Internet have continued, with a change in the primary device I use to do the browsing came an almost instant change in how often I’d post here. I’ve been issued a BlackBerry from work, & will all the IT restrictions on, I find it much harder to post links here.
My reading list has morphed significantly in the last four or so months. Through some article on GigaOm, I stumbled across Dave Winer, & through him to endless other bloggers: JP Rangaswami, Doc Searls, Joi Ito, among others. More interesting to me, a non-techie, was a thread common to most of them – linking to other articles within their own, allowing the reader to explore at his/ her own pace, if interested, without distracting from the main idea they were writing about.
I’m trying to build that into my blog articles, while trying to give my own thoughts some pixels. Hopefully, I can get back to linking to articles that pique my interest.