I’m your man [Music]

Ever since I discovered Leonard Cohen a few months ago (thanks Greg!), I’ve been delighted with Cohen’s impressive songwriting – here’s a teaser from a performance in London in 2009. I’m your man, croons this versatile artist! And if you like it, here’s another one – Take this Waltz – the duet, flute & the oudh are all outstanding! (lyrics at the bottom of the page on both videos)

Landfill music [Video]

A mind-boggling, inventive effort to change that – musical instruments made from trash. In the barrios of Paraguay, a humble garbage picker uses his ingenuity to craft instruments out of recycled materials – and a youth orchestra is born. Music arises and children find new dreams. This is a teaser of the movie LandfillHarmonic.

Sounds of Lincoln [Video]

Sound designer Ben Burtt explains his work to provide “sound” authenticity into the Steven Spielberg movie “Lincoln”, through the use of actual devices that Lincoln may have used during his lifetime. The Sound of Lincoln. Examples he provides: the sounds of doors was recorded at the White House, Lincoln’s actual pocket watch which is preserved at the Kentucky Historical Society provided the tick-tock accompaniment.. interesting video!