The act of sharing & appreciation [Article]

JP Rangaswami (@jobsworth) recalls how relationships are formed & nourished. The act of sharing – time, experiences, views, beliefs, ideas, anecdotes, whatever – is relatively easy in flesh & blood, but no so in the digital space (despite speed & reach).   He gently reminds us to appreciate, because

the value of sharing comes in the appreciation.

Women: Keeping your name & identity [Article]

Jill Filipovic, writing in the Guardian, plays the feminist & wonders why should women change their names after marriage.  She recommends that men change theirs, or that the kids keep the women’s last name instead.

Your name is your identity. The reasons women give for changing their names after marrying don’t make much sense

Be prepared for a rather long read if you tackle the comments at the end of that article.

Hugo Chavez & His Legacy.

The mainstream media cheers that another ‘dictator’ has been vanquished. Here are two rather different stories about the man who was, essentially, for the large majority of poor Venezuelans, the equivalent of a modern day Robin Hood.  The legacy of Hugo Chavez and How Hugo Chavez Earned the scorn of the US plutocrats are worth your attention.