Mindfully kind

I reflected at a team meeting on the dramatic change that 4 weeks of Omicron tearing through the country has had on the outlook for many of us. Everyone was looking forward to the Christmas break, looking forward to spending time with loved ones locally or within the country or traveling overseas.We were all secretly anticipating that 2022 would bring an end to the madness of the last two years, and we could start working on those plans we made.

In the span of days, despite the cajoling by optimistic politicians to the populace to take ‘personal responsibility’ and go spend to revive the economy, anxiety levels have reached stratospheric levels. People (leaders and plebs alike) have fallen ill, have family who’ve fallen ill, have had to isolate because they were close contacts of friends. Others are worried about kids going to school unvaccinated when number of active yet untested cases are sky-high, getting infected, bringing it home to immunocompromised family. Still others having travelled overseas are hoping to high heavens that the borders don’t close and they get stranded.

It is indeed a clusterfuck, and it is what it is.

My plea was to just be mindful that we are all in this together (we always were), that people are scared and anxious, to accept that we don’t have to accomplish all those goals we wrote down, to be kind to each other and to ourselves, and take each day as it comes. Corporate bigwigs, themselves people, seem to have forgotten that illness can (and will) strike – if not them, their loved ones, and the brutal, senseless drive towards ‘goals’ will be meaningless. It is up to every one of us to take care of ourselves and each other.

pic: the NSW Premier Dominic Perottet as the #Domicron virus after his Let It Rip approach to CoVID. Elections are around the corner.