It was inevitable: CoVID finally arrived at our doorstep. My 11year old, 3 days into school, returned home with the chills and a fever. The rapid antigen test showed a faint second line, so a second test was done. It confirmed the suspicion.
For the first time in forever, he’s asleep in bed at 7pm. A headache, a slight temperature, occasionally chills, and a runny nose are his current symptoms. Paracetamol is doing its work, and rest will hopefully do the rest.
It also means that all of us too are in isolation for 7 days along with him. Should someone catch it, 7 days from that person. Worst case scenario is a month of isolation for the household.
It wasn’t so long ago that I wrote about everything coming into sharp focus when life throws its challenge. This is yet another one for us. It wil take its toll for sure, and a stoic approach will help us get through it.
The biggest worry both my wife & I had was what do we do when the milk runs out. Life without milk in the coffee? I don’t think the Stoics had to worry about it 🙂