Incoming WE 2024-09-01


5G was an overhyped dud. 5G … wasn’t a revolution so much as an evolution of existing tech. Not to say 5G doesn’t bring value, but faster, lower latency networks that are easier to maintain simply isn’t sexy, and to keep boosting marketing and investment returns in this increasingly unhinged attention economy, companies are routinely motivated to embrace the preposterous.

Flux Review No. 158 builds on "Conway’s Law" to talk about Conway’s Mirror: the gap between lofty ideas and realized artifacts of an organization can be used to understand when the aspirational — and sometimes even official — organizational structure is not aligned with the effective structure and shadow processes that tend to be followed in practice.


Hidden Brain featured more than any other in the last couple of weeks.

  • Taking Control of Your Time – log what you’re doing and how you’re feeling every half hour or so. Be specific. Use this log to review what you really want to be spending time and energy on.
  • The Gift of Other People; How to make our interactions with other people more rewarding.
  • The Enemies of Gratitude: It’s easier to focus on what’s going wrong that on what’s going right. How to feel gratitude for the things that are going right in our live.


When you’re traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don’t have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
–William Least Heat-Moon, travel writer


Gesticulate: Express with emotion, an anagram of ‘it gets a clue’
Petulance: A bad temper. Cat or dog you spear
Quire: Paper parchment, four sheets of paper folded to make 16 pages
Floe: Ice field