Volunteering affords an interesting learning experience. Your skills are gratefully accepted. Your time is well invested. Your relationships strengthened.
Persuading people to hold organisational purpose above their personal ones, particularly after their long involvement is an interesting learning experience. While I do not have to do that, observing how these are navigated has been truly relevatory.
My style of engagement is coaching, not directing. I’m in awe of how my colleagues engage with strong personalities who don’t respond well to coaching. I get to see both sides as a confidante, and I learn from both.
I have spent several hours today with a grant application. I wrote most of it, while a volunteer is collating the documents required. Deadlines have appeared, and our collating volunteer is struggling to keep up. It’s disappointing to have to stay up late when all the information was with them two weeks ago. Ah, well!
Hemingway readability: Grade 7