
This weekend has gone by in a blur! Driving the young ones to their activities and birthday parties, investing time in the preparation required to understand the volunteer role I’m in, a silly season lunch and conversations with new folks (many of whose names I didn’t quite make the effort to ask as I’d normally do), and admin chores.. and it’s already well past bedtime on a Sunday night.

As much as it feels like it’s been a hectic week/ weekend, I’m grateful that I have so many people in my life. It’s a fine line between solitude (I love it) and loneliness (I’ve been there and I don’t wish it on anyone). Loneliness is a scourge, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with life. I know so many people who’d die to have one conversation a day – and can’t. Having the opportunity today to meet with so many people much older than I, I realise that the petulance that kids display when they don’t get what they want isn’t restricted to kids alone (:D). I learned to spar with some really witty folks, getting as good as I gave, and giving much better than I had done in a long time.