2024-05-27 Links

Daily Reads:

Gaping Void: Filling the narrative gapsStories are life with all the boring bits taken out

The Bell Mason Diagnostic in Steve Blank’s obituary for Gordon Bell

Two podcasts during my gym workout today: Trevor Noah in conversation with Esther Perel (Sex, Comedy & Context), and Cal Fussman interviews the brothers Jacobs (Bert and Johnny) who built a $100m business selling t-shirts with optimistic messages. There was a common theme in both these conversations about the power of listening, observing, and creating change.


Life is like a library owned by an author. In it are a few books which he wrote himself, but most of them were written for him.
-Harry Emerson Fosdick, preacher and author


The Vaudevillian: They Caught Us Doin’ It