Daily Reads:
Modern Git Commands. I moved my Obsidian vault out of iCloud to a local drive, after a week or more of slow or non-performance . I used to back up the vault to a git repository but moving the vault to a local drive messed something up. I wish I had this resource before I needed it. I ended up creating a new repository and starting all over, which in this case was the cleanest & quickest fix (that I know), but it won’t be always.
Mandy Brown What You See OMG! Inattentional Blindness. Curiosity. Feedback. So much goodness in this post.
Bob Ewing: How to replace your anxiety with awe.
Seth Godin: ChatGPT is dumber than it looks I’ve not used Generative AI tools in a few weeks now. Some of my trusted friends who are far more informed tell me that it feels like the firehose of new-ness in this world is exhausting them too. Seth’s final suggestion to using AI made me laugh out loud: Take advantage of the fact that it doesn’t have feelings, and use its honesty to get useful feedback.
Bob Ewing channeling Ethan Mollick in "The Best Way to Remember What You Learn"
Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.
-Fred Brooks
Rex Holman – Red is the Apple