
I missed a day of writing a daily blog post. No regrets.

It’s been three long days of commuting, and the wild weather that started yesterday added its special sauce too. It was all worth the effort, because I got to spend time with people I respect, admire, learn from, and love dearly. The project I was working on – a handwritten compilation of heartfelt notes of appreciation to the soon departing bossman – reached it’s intended recipient. No words were spoken, neither possible nor necessary. He has been the finest examples of leadership I’ve ever had the privilege of witnessing. Watching him walk out the door this evening was an overwhelming, sorrowful feeling.

Witnessing authentic leadership at close quarters is also incredibly inspiring. Titles don’t matter. Words, behaviours, relationships, conversations do. Helping people accomplish what they want, or more often, don’t even realise they are capable of, is a magnificently satisfying, immensely appealing idea that I’ve come to value highly.