Money Management for the Moustached Man [Article]

I’ve posted a few links by Mr. Money Moustache, advocating living within one’s means as a pretty easy way to retire at age 30. Whatever your age, if taking control of your financial life interests you, then find you way around MMM’s great site through this easy to read article on Getting Rich: From Zero to Hero in One Blog Post. Highly recommend read (also be warned that you will probably spend a good few hours devouring this blog, once you start).

Go from Middle-Class to Kickass

Another blog that I’ve come across lately is run by Mr. Money Mustache (or moustache, whatever your spelling preferences may be!). The blog has some very interesting thoughts on the modern day employment scene, his personal experiences of going from a relatively highly paid job to retirement at the age of 43, & the strategies he’s employed. May not be for everyone, but won’t hurt to give it a thought, especially in these rather troubling economic times. This article is his personal experience of going from middle-class to kickass