
“There is hunger for ordinary bread and there is hunger for love, for kindness, for thoughtfulness; and this is the great poverty that makes people suffer so much” – Mother Teresa. 
While I was writing this, I was thinking of so many of my friends & acquaintances. It stuck me also that I (& very likely you too) are no different in our hunger. 
Cloistered indoors thanks to an invisible enemy, we humans all crave for all the things we miss. And there’s no one to rail against. The virus doesn’t really care how rich you are, what color your skin is, how good the healthcare system in your country is. (It doesn’t seem to stop humans railing against each other though). 
Regardless of the progress we humans have made, our poverty as Mother Teresa says, continues unabated. There are occasional pockets of love, of kindness, of thoughtfulness and they are the virus I hope spread faster than the contemporary one. 

A simple act of kindness saved lives [Article]

From the history books, this is one of those stories that rarely reach the world through newspapers. This is a story of two families from during WWII, a small act of kindness that started life-changing events that rippled through generations.

In 1941, a poor Polish farmwoman travelled from the countryside to Israel Rubinek’s village store, but found she didn’t have enough money to pay for the things she needed.

Teaching boys to be kind [Article]

In the wake of another publicised rape, this time in the US, Kim Simon writes about what it means to raise boys to be kind men.

While it’s true that big scary monster men sometimes jump out of bushes to rape unsuspecting women, most rapists look like the men we see every day.  Acquaintance rape (or date rape) accounts for the majority of sexual assaults among young people: in colleges, in high schools, at parties, in the cars and bedrooms that belong to the men who women trust.