Have thank you notes gone out of fashion? [Article]

Evan Sellinger weighs the social consequences of the collision between technology & etiquette in an information-overloaded world.  He says that etiquette norms are not just about efficiency. They’re actually about building thoughtful & pro-social character.

Relationships are fragile, and they require effort to preserve. Shortcuts won’t do; you often have to say more than just the essential facts. Viewing personal communication in overly reductive terms makes tenuous connections even more fragile.

Digital identity vs physical identity [article]

T.Robert Wyatt explores the question of identity: “Is your digital identity a separate self  or is it identical to your real-world self?”, and how it impacts our lives:

Our legal and social framework for  identity insists that me in high school and me today are the same person when there is a world of difference between the two. Me then and me now would have very little in common, including friends, opportunities, philosophies, quality of life or future prospects.